Sunday, April 16, 2006

Let's go to the Zoo!

Must have been ages since i last visited any zoo, and this trip really made me relive my childhood days when i would visit the zoo everytime there was a new attraction. I must say, Singapore really doesn't have that many spectacular tourist spots, but our zoo is indeed among the best in the world. True enough, a large part of the original exhibit has been moved to the night safari, but it's still big enough to make me spend a good 4 hours just to check out all the animals and see one show at the amphitheatre and one of the feeding times, and we did'nt even stop for any meal. Check out the beasties!

Orang Utans, Probably Singaporeans' favourite zoo animals

My girlfriend spent 10minutes taking this pic of the Cotton topped Tamarin- got to put it up

so high-class we don't have regular tigers in the zoo, only white ones

By the way, check this interesting fact out. All white tigers are descendants of this one white tiger by the name of Mohan; in fact, they can only be bred in captivity through in-breeding, so their story is a pretty sad one. All of a sudden, i'm not all that proud of our zoo anymore. Check out the article 'white tiger fraud' in Oh well, enough of the depressing stuff, another interesting fact. Did you know that a good many species of animals live in harems? Imagine one male with 7-8 females... it must be a very successful survival model if so many species practice that.... if only i can convince my girlfriend. Anyway, animals aside, i think the overall layout and design of our zoo is really nicely-done too. Check out the animal road signs and tropical rainforest-themed toilets.

No excuse for not being able to read English

Doesn't that make you want to spend more time peeing?

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